Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tis the Season....

For a number of years now I have had a tradition when it comes to reading during the Holiday Season.. I only read Christmas stories from Thanksgiving to New Years.  I collect books throughout the year... rarely paying much for them if anything. I swap books on Paperback Swap (a wonderful site!), I snatch them up at used book sales and I get them from my mom. She subscribes to Love Inspired and passes her books onto me when she is done with them. :-)

Shortly before Thanksgiving, I pull my Christmas books from here and there and see what all I have. There are usually 8.. 10 .. maybe even 12.  Well this year I found a tad bit more than expected...

22! Plus there are 10 on my Kindle (so far!).  I will either be reading past New Year's or have a nice head start on next year. Now there was a time when I could knock out 32 books in 6 weeks... but life has gotten so much fuller and busier and my time for reading has dwindled.  So I don't expect to have these done in 2011.  But I plan to make a valiant try!

In fact, I have knocked out 3 since Turkey Day and am in the midst of #4.  So be watching for Christmas Reviews to pop up on the blog soon!

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