Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Other Daughter by Miralee Ferrell

I read about this book on my friend, Cecelia Dowdy's blog ( ) Cecelia is a wonderful writer of Christian Fiction. Her blog has reviews of books she's read and occassionally an interview with other authors. Be sure to check it out!

Cecelia's review peaked my interest and I knew I had to read this book. I am so glad I did. The premise of the story intrigued me. A young teen shows up at a stranger's home announcing that her mom has died and she has come to live with her dad.

Susanne and David's marriage is a rocky rollercoaster ride and just when it seems things are looking up, an unknown daughter appears on their doorstep. Susanne's trust in David is shattered and she wonders if it can ever be reparied or if she even wants it to be.

David is confront with his past... a past he thought he had long ago put away. Now a Christian, he has to face the consequences as he tries to establish a relationship with a daughter he's never met, salvage his marriage and hang on to what he has with his other 2 children.
Add into the mix that Susanne is not a believer and a friend who feeds her fears, doubts and anger... a nasty mix.
This is a wonderful book.. not just a mellow drama playing out on the pages. Ferrell deals with some issues most of us like to keep tucked away in a box... Christian's married to non-believers, adultery in a Christian marriage, the reaction of the Church body to sin within their ranks, and more.
Excellent read! I strongly recommend this one.


Cecelia Dowdy said...

Hi, Barb. Thanks for mentioning my blog, also, I'm glad that you read Miralee's novel. Yes, she does touch upon some serious issues...issues that you don't always see in Christian fiction. Also, with so many issues involved, one of the parties most affected by these things is the most innocent person in the story, the unwanted/illegetimate daughter. As adults we create so much conflict because of the issues we have, but, a lot of the times, this conflict can affect our children.

Miralee Ferrell said...

Hi Barb, we haven't met, but I want to thank you for your wonderful review of my book.