Saturday, October 25, 2008

Letters from Lexington by Phil Hardwick

Letters is the final book in Hardwick's Mississippi Mystery series. He is now writing a series, with the same focal character, called the American Mystery series. In his new series, P.I. Jack Boulder travels to various states to solve crimes.

I enjoyed Letters from Lexington. In some ways it is the best written on all the Mississippi Mysteries series. The plot was unique and the characters a it more three dimensional than in previous books. I have been through a bit of Lexington many times on I-55, but I have never actually been into the town. So I had no point of reference to any of the landmarks and local highlights Hardwick featured in his book.

As I have said in previous reviews of this series, I believe these books would be entertaining to anyone from Mississippi or with ties to the state. The charm in these books is found in the settings more than the characters and the plots. Still, all in all, they provide a nice bit of relaxed reading without straining the brain too much... and that is often just what the doctor ordered!

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