Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton

This is Morton's 2nd novel and the 1st one I have read by her. If her other work is even half this good, she will go on my must read list. I absolutely loved The Forgotten Garden! I am not even sure where to begin in describing it.... for it is a bit like 3 stories in 1 that twine together to create the truth.

Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was placed on a ship headed to Australia and then abandoned. After a long voyage, she was discovered by the port master who took her home for one night... or so he thought. Nell became the child he and his wife longed for and enjoyed life as the oldest of a household full of girls. That is until her mother's death.. when her father told her the truth... she wasn't who she thought she was.

Eliza was always running... from whom or what she wasn't sure... and then one day she was caught and thrust into a fairy land where she was allowed to visit and watch, but never to really belong. Her heart ached for to be needed and loved and in time, that ache was eased but at great cost.

Cassie feels a bit unwanted and a bit unpurposeful. Unsure of what life holds for her, she sets off to England to unravel a mystery only to discover herself along the way.

Morton's writing is a delight to read... her descriptions are like paint strokes on canvas... clear and vivid... creating a masterpiece in the mind's eye. Her characters are round and full and so real. I could see them.. hear them.. it was truly like being with them.

I know a lot of you read Christian Fiction only, so I need to tell you that this is a secular work. But I also have to add that it is clean and just too good to miss!

I am waiting for her first novel to be free at my library and looking forward to future works!

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