I can say that all the good things I have heard are true! Crazy Love is definitely a book worth reading. BUT what really made it even more wow for me was to go to the website and read about the author... Francis Chan. I am not one who is easily impressed, but I am with Chan. He is truly a man after God's own heart striving to walk it out every day.
In Crazy Love he encourages all believers to do just that.. walk out their faith... by embracing the enormity of God's love for us and letting it overflow through us onto every one we meet.
This book is drenched in Scripture, so this is not Chan's theory or original idea. He has drawn from God's Word to show us that God wants more for us than living the same ole life everyone else on the planet lives... the status quo... He has the Abundant Life waiting for us if only we will let go and live it!