Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Sisterhood of the Queen Mamas by Annie Jones

I have read 2 or 3 other books by Jones and loved them. She tells funny, quirky, upbeat stories with characters that might seem unreal to some folks, but remind me a lot of my relatives! LOL!

The title of this one is enough to get you hooked... I mean really, who can resist The Sisterhood of the Queen Mamas?! In Sisterhood, we travel to Texas and meet two friends... Maxine and Odessa... both are wives of retired ministers and both are in search of the same thing... "The entire twenty-piece line of chip-proof kitchenware made by the Royal Service Company of Akron, Ohio, the black-and-gold-on-white Hostess Queen pattern" and what better place to find it than Five Acres of Fabulous Finds Flea Market.

What neither bargain hunter expect to find were hurting souls... ministry opportunities... and sisterhood. Jan is the perfect Christian with a secret so big it is about to engulf her. Bernadette is a servant with a love for weddings, but no groom in sight. And Chloe needs to be freed from her black mood and clothing to see her true inner beauty.

Maxine and Odessa have their work cut out for them and they are up to the challenge... in a hot air balloon no less!

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