Saturday, July 5, 2008

Yellow Rose Bride by Lori Copeland

I love Lori Copeland books... especially her historic romances. She just knows how to tug at a girl's heart strings!

Yellow Rose Bride is actually a rewrite of an earlier secular market book by Copeland (Bridal Lace and Buckskin) The Taylor's and the Baldwin's have a family feud reminiscent of the Hatfields and McCoys.... but no one really knows the root of the feud. Vonnie Taylor and Adam Baldwin grow up intent on hating each other, but along the way their hearts get in the way and they fall in love. In an impulsive move they run off and get married... a marriage which last 1 days and is never consummated. No one knows except the 2 of them and the judge that annuls the union. Years pass and each builds their own life. Vonnie becomes a master seamstress specializing in wedding dresses, while Adam is groomed by his father to take over the family ranching empire.

Life changes when Adam becomes engaged to Vonnie's friend, Beth, who asks Vonnie to make her wedding dress. Vonnie and Adam are both forced to face their past and the feelings that still remain.

A tragic death brings the an end to the family feud or so everyone thinks. But only the truth can really set them free....but how can the truth be found in all lies and deceptions that have been fabricated?

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