Tuesday, April 1, 2008

True Light by Terri Blackstock

Terri Blackstock is one of my absolute favorite writers. I have never disliked any of her books!

True Light is book 3 in her Restoration series. I have heard a number of folks say these books are weird. They certainly are different... extremely creative and original... and downright good! I haven't been disappoint with any of them!

It is difficult to share a lot about the books, as it might spoil the plot for someone who plans to read them. Suffice it to say that life in Oak Hollow continues to be a challenge with no electricity. Crime is on the rise.. people are desperate.. life has certainly changed dramatically since the pulses started. And no one knows when they will end.

There are those who push on, adapting, coming up with legitimate ways to provide for their families and others. And there are those who steal and who kill.

In True Light a teenage boy is shot and Mark Green is arrested for the assault. There is no real evidence, but Mark's father was a criminal so he is guilty by reason of birth. Mark finds himself in the foulest of places... a jail with no electricity and no running water... and no one willing to clean it. But God has him there for a purpose. Mark is eventually able to see the why and even to see what God wants him to do there, but he isn't happy about it. However, he obeys even when it means opening himself up for more hate and cruelty.

There is so much more to this story... we see young teens struggling to deal with all that is happening around them... neighbors turning against neighbors... friendships and marriages being strained to the brink of snapping.. and yet, there is always the undeniable hope of Jesus... which Blackstock incorporates beautifully in her books.

Read True Light... go back and read Last Light and Night Light first. Each book builds on the previous ones. And there is a 4th one on the way... Dawn's Light. I think it might be the final installment in this wonderful series.

1 comment:

Cecelia Dowdy said...

Wow! Sounds good! Terri is also one of my favorite authors! I'll definitely need to keep this title in mind!