I love the Lumby series! I forget where I even heard of these books, but I am so glad I did. Stealing Lumby is book 2 and it is just a fun and charming as the first. Much like Jan Karon's Mitford series, one comes to know the town on Lumby and the characters who live there, so reading a Lumby novel is like taking a trip to visit with old friends.
In Stealing Lumby, the famous painting The Barns of Lumby, has been stolen... and so has one of the barns! In learning about the painting, we find that prominent resident Charlotte Ross knows has a personal interest in it and in the painted, Dana Porter. Pam and Mark are busy at Montis Inn, especially once the media descends on Lumby to ask about the painting. In the midst of the media frenzy, Mark continues to add to their collection of animals overwhelming Pam with the reality that she is quickly becoming Mrs. Ole MacDonald! And to top it all off the Monks are caught up in a hostile takeover of their Rum Sauce Company. Hank the flamingo continues to make his presence know and The Lumby Lines continues to supply their readers with all the latest news including information on the upcoming Midnight Moo Doo Iditarod.. an annual Lumby event you don't want to miss!
This is one of the most charming series out there and one, I think, that is a bit of a hidden gem. I am looking forward to the next installment of the news from Lumby and all the rest to follow.